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Filming Finished for Baby Boxes Second Season

Filming finished for the second season to Baby Boxes, which started in March 2017, at FILM.UA studio.

The first season of the series broadcast in spring 2016 was watched by almost 17 million Ukrainians. During the week on air Baby Boxes came to the top of 20 most popular programs for 18-54 audience (50+) – its average ranking and viewing share have amounted to 3.8% and 12.7% respectively. For 18+ audience (all Ukraine) the share of Baby Boxes series was 25% higher than an average daily share of Ukraina TV channel, and average film ranking and share for this audience amounted to 5.93% and 15.39% respectively. Besides, in the time slot used for the series the share of Ukraina TV channel was 46% higher than that of its closest competitor.

Each episode of the series is a story about saving a newborn baby put into the so-called baby box equipped in a perinatal center – for those who want to get rid of the infant anonymously. Our characters are doctors and medical staff at the perinatal center who bring the foundlings back on their way to life, treat them and are the first to give them warmth and comfort. There are also new parents who have made a conscious decision to become a mother or a father to someone else’s child. But the central character is still a child around whom all the events evolve.

The premiere of Baby Boxes 2 melodrama series about the challenging issue of abandoned infants is planned on Ukraina TV channel for the end of September.