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The third season of Dr.Baby Dust series goes into production

In mid-August, the company launches production of the third season to Dr.Baby Dust series.

The main part of shooting will take place in the FILM.UA studio hall where the massive modern clinic decorations were built. The team under the leadership of the art director Andrey Hrechishkin created more than 20 locations in the studio hall just over a month. "But even more was spent on the filling of the hall of the modern innovative clinic with surgeries, wards, laboratories, main heroes' cabinets etc. and also we had to make a main character flat room, - says the executive producer of the project, Sergey Demidov. – The props made an enormous job, a part of the filling and other stuff that was broken or that they did not need was given to us by the representatives of real medical clinics. We fixed all of that and used for our needs. Some filling was bought and some were made specially for the shooting."

The shooting will take place in Kyiv and will last till May 2017 and the premiere of the new 40 episodes of the show will be held in Autumn 2017 on the channel "Ukraine".

Synopsis. The action of season three is set in a new modern clinic founded by professor Yuriy Klimov. He is doctor Roman Shyrokov`s former father-in-law with just a year left before retirement; during this time, Klimov is to find a worthy successor. But this is not the main reason for which the professor invites Roman to work together again. Roman Shyrokov is the only person able to carry through an innovative medical research development; the fate of professor`s daughter Nina depends on it. However, the clinic investors and employees are not happy about a new professional coming in. Professor`s deputy, doctor Oleg Chernov, also considers Shyrokov as a threat. So, he is ready for everything to get rid of the competitor.

Still, in spite of intrigues and opposition from the colleagues, in each episode the doctor Roman Shyrokov keeps working miracles and helps beautiful babies see the world for the first time.