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About 2 million viewers watched the first two episodes of Baby Boxes 2

On Monday, September 18 a premiere screening of 24-episode melodrama series Baby Boxes 2 started on air of Ukraina TV channel.


Average ranking and viewing share for the film amounted to 4.56% and 14.22% for 4+ audience (all Ukraine), for 4+ audience (cities with population of 50,000+ ) – 4.35% and 14.09%, for 18+ audience (all Ukraine) - 5.17% and 15.01% and for 18+ audience (cities with population of 50,000+) - 4.81% and 14.40% respectively.

The premiere of Baby Boxes second season has brought Ukraina TV channel into slot leaders for 4+ and 18+ share (all Ukraine and cities with the population of 50,000+). Average film viewing share was higher than the average daily share of the TV channel for 4+ audience (50+) - by 16%, for 18+ audience (50+) - by 14%, and for the 14-49 audience (50+) - by 21%.