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Young Actress and Model Elena Kosmina about the Filming of Believe Me Melodrama

Model and beginner actress Elena Kosmina told about her first filming experience. She performed in ‘Believe Me’ melodramatic series.

Elena’s story is like a story of Cinderella. She was born Poltava, Ukraine, and has won a Top Model of the World. Now she lives in New York and London, works for the famous world model agencies, and played her first role in a film.

Elena performed Lada, a young eccentric girl, who is very independent, brave and bold. “She is easy-going, but knows what she wants. So, we are pretty similar”, - told the actress. She confessed that worried a lot about her first experience in cinema, but everything was great. Elena said that it took many efforts and ambitions to become a model and an actress and make her childhood dream come true.

Synopsis. Inna Litvinenko and her son Nikita arrive at a small town of Pavlovsk. Nikita is not happy; this is the fourth new town in the last several years, and mom never explains why they are always on the move. They rent a place from a sweet, lonely woman Taya.

Among the belongings of her lodger, Taya accidentally finds a passport in the name of Tatyana Korneyeva with Inna’s photo. By a strange coincidence, Taya also sees an announcement in the latest newspaper that Tatyana Korneyeva is wanted due to inheritance release. Taya calls the number indicated in the notice…