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After Winter melodrama filming started

The first shots of the film were made in one of Kyiv high-rises. In the same place a plate was officially broken, which symbolizes the start of filming.

Alina Bukhtiyarova, director, speaks about the film:

This is an optimistic story that you should never despair. You shouldn’t give up and instead you should trust the Universe and people and act. Yes, Olga has a load of problems landing on her all at once, both family and professional. But she doesn’t sit around and manages to fully change her life for the better. Our film shows that it is totally realistic!” 

The lead roles are played by well-known actors Dasha Volga, Prokhor Dubravin and Sergey Korshikov.  

About the film

A heap of bad luck arrives in the life of Olga Grabina, a regular nurse, in one day. First she is almost run over by a car, then she is fired from the clinic where she has worked for many years, and after she finds out that her husband Pyotr cheats on her, one of her daughters Lera is pregnant and the other daughter Varya plans to become an actress instead of going to a medical university.  

Olga tries to get used to living alone and to find a new job. But this is not easy. She still has to help her daughters, support and bring them together, solve their problems and accept their choices. She also needs to prevent her husband’s self-interested mistress from taking away the property that should be passed to Varya and Lera. And the hardest thing left to do is to understand what she wants and make a choice: filing for divorce or trying to bring her husband back.  

With all those worries Olga doesn’t immediately notice that there is already someone around who will be able to bring spring back into her life. And the event that seemed the start of all Olga’s trials and tribulations will turn out to be lucky and bring her new love.

Director: Alina Bukhtiyarova

DOP: Dmitry Yurikov

Art director: Maksim Dimitrenko

Screenwriter: Maria Bek

Producers: Viktor Mirsky, Viktoria Korogod, Natalia Strybuk, Iryna Chernyak, Elena Malkova, Kirill Gorobets, Olga Solovyova

Cast: Dasha Volga, Prokhor Dubravin, Sergey Korshikov, Anna Serdyuk, Polina Nosykhina, Elena Svetlitskaya, Maksim Devizorov, Natalya Doroshenko, Ekaterina Artemenko, Tatyana Yurikova, Denis Kapustin, and others.