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Single by Contract

Single by Contract

Genre: comedy
Type: theatrical feature film
Year: 2014
Status: completed
Production: FILM.UA Group, Novy channal
Running time: 103 min
Director: Evgeniy Matvienko
Producer: Igor Storchak, Vladimir Lokotko
Executive producer: Andriy Ryzvanyuk
Director of photography: Vladimir Ivanov

Olga Lerman, Waclaw Warchoł, Olga Tumaykina, Sergey Peregudov, Andrey Saminin, Valeriy Sozanovsky, Alexander Dulin, Naomi Vulf, Vasily Virastiuk, Alan Badoev

Slava Lebedev is the Justin Bieber of the Ukrainian music industry. He’s already charmed the pants off of most teenage girls in the country. So it seems that Lily, who’s just come back from the United States and is still ignorant of both Slava’s existence and his fame, will get caught in a love trap at some point in time. And just as predicted…she does. But Slava is also helpless against the girl’s charms. It looks as though nothing, not even the ocean of overly excited fans, can stand in the way of Lily’s and Slava’s love. Well, almost nothing…The couple will still have to wrestle with that nasty provision in Slava’s contract which denies him the right to marry or be in an official relationship with ANY girl.