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Strangely Familiar

Genre: detective
Type: series
Year: 2014
Status: completed
Production: FILM.UA Group, Intra Communications
Running time: 8 х 46 min
Director: Andrey Chernykh
Producer: Victor Mirsky, Vladimir Issat, Sergey Karataev, Mikhail Barkan, Victor Umnov
Executive producer: Ekaterina Shvets
Director of photography: Denis Svoyak
Scriptwriter: Alexei Karanovich, Igor Osipov, Svyatoslav Pelishenko

Ivan Oganesyan, Katerina Reshetnikova, Victoria Litvinenko, Vladimir Mashuk, Alexander Fisenko, Vitaly Saliy, Maxim Vazhov, Victor Aldoshin, Mikhail Dosenko, Vlad Zadniprovsky

Nastya and her son, Vanya, leave their Old Believer village and come to an unfamiliar and unwelcoming metropolis. During their stay Vanya becomes an involuntary witness of a murder of a prominent journalist. Captain Alexander Leshchev will have to crack this case but the investigation leads him to believe that the murder of the journalist is connected to the corruption case he’s been recently probing. Vanya claims the killer is a high profile authority, the Chief of Police. Now that not only the witness’ but his own life hangs in balance, Captain Leshchev takes the family to a safe place. However, the hired goons have already sniffed out the location of the hideout. There’s no turning back for Alexander, he’ll have to stand his ground for the sake of protecting innocent lives.