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The Robbers Wore Lipstick

Genre: comedy
Type: series
Year: 2014
Status: completed
Production: FILM.UA Group, ТО «Империя добра»
Running time: 4 х 52 min
Director: Ashot Keshyan
Producer: Victor Mirsky
Director of photography: Aleksey Stepanov

Irma Vitovskaya, Rimma Zyubina, Olga Tumaykina, Nikolay Boklan, Boris Georgievsky, Mikhail Zhonin, Sergey Kalantay, Oleg Savkin and others.

Armed robbery is not a woman's business. However we know that should a woman put her mind to anything- she will definitely succeed.

Nina, Toma, and Sveta are best friends. Life doesn’t seem to give them a break. Nina is a single mother working as a cleaning lady in a bank. Toma is a schoolteacher who keeps falling in love with all the wrong guys. Sveta is a medical worker with no career prospects currently sharing her apartment with her ex-husband.

But regardless of their rather sad living conditions the friends are saving up for a rainy day – they have saving accounts in Nina's bank.  Once Nina overhears that the bank board plans to steal investors’ money by staging a bank robbery.

These women won’t stand for it! They decide to rob the bank and secure their and other people’s savings. And they succeed! However, now they have to deal with new and unusual problems – they are wanted by the police as well as by organized crime gangs whose money they've accidentally appropriated.