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Trust Me

Genre: melodrama
Type: series
Year: 2018
Status: completed
Production: FILM.UA Group, TV channel "Ukraine"
Running time: 4 х 46 mins
Director: Irina Gromozda
Producer: Yevgeniy Lyaschenko, Viktor Mirsky, Natalya Stribuk, Irina Chernyak, Elena Malkova, Ekaterina Shvets
Director of photography: Konstantin Vorobyov
Scriptwriter: Lika Turluk

Ekaterina Ryabova, Dmitry Pchela, Lesya Ostrovskaya, Irina Verenich-Ostrovskaya, Vyacheslav Dovzhenko, Sergey Komarovsky, Dmitry Saranskov, Marina Koshkina, and others.

Inna Litvinenko and her son Nikita arrive at a small town of Pavlovsk. Nikita is not happy; this is the fourth new town in the last several years, and mom never explains why they are always on the move. Meanwhile, their life becomes settled: they rent a place from a sweet, lonely woman Taya, Inna finds a job in a flower shop, and Nikita goes to school and signs up for a football team.

Among the belongings of her lodger, Taya accidentally finds a passport in the name of Tatyana Korneyeva with Inna’s photo. By a strange coincidence, Taya also sees an announcement in the latest newspaper that Tatyana Korneyeva is wanted due to inheritance release. Taya calls the number indicated in the notice. 

In several days Aleksey, a computer programmer, comes to Pavlovsk; he decided to come back to the town where he had been born. He meets Inna, courts her, and soon a relationship starts between them.  

Inna doesn’t know that Aleksey hasn’t come to Pavlovsk by accident and that he is not the person he claims to be. Aleksey works for people Inna has been hiding from for ten years. She has also been on the run from the police searching for her in connection with banker Oleg Petrovsky’s murder…